Friday, January 24, 2020

Bug List: Assignment 2A. Jenna Paton.

For this assignment, I've broken my bugs into categories:


  1. Loud neighbors/ stomping from above (Because I have thin walls)
    1. Doors that don't close all the way (The little locking part is broken)
    2. Cat jumping on counters and dining room table (Begging, trying to get away from the dog)
    3. Roommates that don't put their things away (They're lazy or tired)
    4. Places that don't recycle aka my apartment complex (Too much work?)
    5. Cat walking on my laptop while I'm working and messes up my work (Wants my affection)
    6. Paper jams in my printer (Something is wrong with the alignment)
    1. Thermostat in class goes from really hot to really cold 
    2. Far walks between classes with only 15 minutes (Buildings are far apart)
    3. Having a tiny classroom for a lot of students- no room to walk (The university chose that class)
    4. Not having a seat in class and having to sit on the floor- our class (The university under-compensated for how many students there were in that class- not enough room for everyone)
    5. Having the same class be in different classrooms throughout the week (University choice)
    6. When professors go through the notes too fast so you can't write it down (They need to get through the material)
    On the road-
    1. RTS constantly stopping ahead of me (They have to stop at every stop)
    2. Having to wait in the cold for the bus just for the bus app to malfunction and say the bus is going to be way later (App malfunction)
    3. My car randomly accelerating although it is new (I actually don't know why this is happening)
    4. Steering wheel makes a clicking noise (The coupler needed to be replaced but I got it fixed)
    1. When mail gets lost (Somewhere in the journey someone misplaces it)
    2. Having a long line in the deli section of the grocery store (Not many deli workers)
    3. When someone with a full cart goes into the express lane (I don't know why this happens)

    Reflection on this assignment: 

    Overall, I did not find this assignment too hard. I focused on my surroundings in many different settings and when I caught myself feeling annoyed or bugged, I made a note of what the bug was and where it happened. I also thought about some other people and what they might get annoyed at too!


    1. Hi Jenna,

      I like how you broke down your bugs into different categories as it was probably easier to come up with your bugs. I agree with you that this was not a very difficult assignment for me as it was easier to be aware when I was annoyed and would just make a note of what was bothering me. As I read your bugs I noticed many of them are very similar to mine. It seems like most people generally get annoyed at the same things.

    2. Hi Jenna,
      I love how u organized your list into different categories. I can definitely relate to your bug about your neighbors being loud because I myself have had neighbors above me with animals that liked to go wild at night and would affect my sleep.There should be a product or service that helps with the problem of noise easily traveling through walls.
