Friday, February 14, 2020

Testing the Hypothesis Part II

To be transparent, my idea is not very easy to conceptualize or ask others to relate to as it does not exist in this area. Instead of an invention you can touch or that will solve a lot of people's everyday problems, my idea goes deeper into humanity and government. I have interviewed people for this assignment though I'm not sure it was what we're looking for. I couldn't find people that "should have the problem but don't." Rather my project looks at people who do have the problem that shouldn't. Many of the residents of Alachua county don't have this problem but for the few that do, this could make a difference. I focused on an idea that can work with government and collaborate with other businesses around Alachua county.

I interviewed a different set of people asking who they think this idea would help and who they think would have the problem. Overall, many people defined that homeless people would have the problem to solve. I did notice, though, that some of the people I interviewed brought up the idea of the homeless people's willingness. If they wouldn't want to become part of the program, what's the point of creating it? If they're disabled in the first place how are they going to be a part of the program? These are things that put me into perspective about my idea. A few of the other topics that were thrown out there was how hard it would be to manage. What if they aren't reliable? What if they relapse or get in trouble? How hard could it be to rehabilitate them? All of it seemed to overwhelm me because I did not think of the possibility of things like mental illness and agressiveness. All of these topics did give me a good look at who would and wouldn't be included in who would participate.

Who: I feel that those who wouldn't take part are those who are not comfortable with once homeless or drug addict or once-arrested individuals in their business or homes. Another population who would be outside the boundary are those with homes.

What: I feel that the point my service is different from others is the fact that we would be working to not only rehab them but also train them on life and how to function as a normal part of society. We would also be helping them find work and housing but from a non-governmental status. (It could become governmental) This need is different because it would make a huge difference that would change people's lives. Taking them off the street and helping them live comfortably without just being a homeless shelter or something of that sort.

Why: The need for those in the boundary is much much different than those outside the boundary simply due to the need to get off the street. The difference between people who have shelter and those who don't is extremely significant.

Inside the Boundary

Who: Those who are homeless and willing to put in time and effort to get better and learn so that they can get off the streets as well as businesses who are willing to collaborate and teach these people and finally those who need work done in their homes who trust that we can provide good service without any problems.

What: The need for the individual to start a life of their own. To learn, work, and support themselves so that they live comfortably.

Why: The need exists because unfortunately people of many different backgrounds can find themselves in a spot where they don't have anyone to rely on or any work. Because of these instances, they can find themselves homeless which is a terrible way to live.

Outside the Boundary

Who: Those who have proper shelter, those unwilling to come off the streets and work, and those who don't want to work/ give work to the homeless people.

What: The need is not to get shelter for free. It IS hard work and willingness to make the individuals life better as a long term commitment.

Why: As an alternative explanation, the need is not the same for those looking for free housing to continue not working, but rather to look for the guidance to get in the right headspace to get back into life as a working person and a self reliant person in general.


  1. Hi Jenna,
    This was a great post you explained everything really well and I can see how it can be difficult to talk about your problem and the solution you came up with as it is not tangible. I am not sure if you did this or not as it does not specify but I think it would be helpful to interview some of the homeless and see what they think about the program and if they would participate.

  2. It was very interesting to see how you tried to look at the homelessness issue from different sides, and acknowledge the difficulty of it. Many people are homeless for different reasons, so you would need to set up a program that could adapt to different people’s needs. I have seen different programs in the past be successful, such as one in my hometown that would drive them to work sights for the day and f=give them temporary labor each day for an income. There are other services that could be offered, such as be given a support group, to insure they can better integrate and help with any needs that they may have.
