Friday, March 20, 2020

Create a Customer Avatar

For my service, there is not one exact stereotypical person. There are many different people of different genders, races, family dynamics, and other demographics. If I had to picture the "typical" customer would be a middle-aged man whos homeless. He's a tad unkempt due to the lack of money available for things like haircuts or nicer clothes. He's a little dirty from not having a bathroom available to shower although he does shower every chance he gets. During the day, he holds a sign at a busy intersection either asking for money, food, or work. He doesn't have any kids that we can see because he doesn't bring them to hold the sign. He doesn't have a tv available to watch so holding the sign and talking to others throughout the day is what his day consists of. At night, he either tries to find a safe place to sleep on the street or goes to the local homeless shelter. He doesn't drive and although he's around his 40s or 50s he feels much older from the intensity of being in the sun all day, walking everywhere, and always sleeping on hard surfaces. The stress that he experiences consumes him, and that doesn't help with his feelings or motivation. He's sad but tries to make the most out of every day. He's on the skinny side because while he manages to get food, there are meals skipped and not much nutrient-rich food available to him.

Again, I don't love this assignment because it's very stereotypical and there are many different people who would use the same service that I'm offering. However, as far as similarities to this avatar, I have no similarities whatsoever. I am a young girl who is well fed, has a car, and most importantly has a place to live. I feel that there isn't a coincidence that I am the polar opposite of the avatar I have created because fortunately, my life (so far) has resulted differently than theirs. I am passionate about these people because I know that for a lot of them, the way they have ended up in this position is either not because of them or because of very unfortunate and sad situations. Everyone deserves food, shelter, and water at the very least to survive and I would like to help the less fortunate do so.

Below, I have attached many possible avatars showing that one size does not fit all in this case.

Image result for homeless people
 Image result for homeless people
Image result for homeless people


  1. I could really tell that you put a lot of thought into your customer. I liked how you addressed that a lot of this is stereotypical and that many people could be affected. I even know some college kids who may look like anyone else on campus but do struggle with money and fear not being able to pay rent or if they’ll have enough for food.

  2. Hi Jenna,
    I agree with you on how difficult it is for your idea to have a stereotypical customer as they could differ greatly. However, I think you did a great job explaining who you are trying to help with your service. It is hard to be very specific with your customer as being homeless a lot of time just has to do with circumstance and not the actual person.
