Friday, March 27, 2020

Idea Napkin #2

Who I am: I am an empathetic person who cares deeply about what people have gone through and how that can affect their entire lives. My talents include helping those who can't help themselves and providing resources for those who wouldn't be able to find resources themselves.

What I'm offering: I'm offering a service to those who are homeless. My service is helping homeless people find the resources and educational facilities needed for them to obtain and sustain a job. To continue, my organization will also help teach these people things like money management, insurance, renting, and taxes. We will provide the necessary tools they need to maintain housing and a good life in society. Once our students learn the skills they need for their trade, we can help them get a job in town. With this, we will also help them find housing and get them settled into their new life.

Why they care: Most people will care about sustaining a job and getting off of the streets. For a lot, this program can change their whole life for the better. In some cases, it may help entire families!

Our core competencies: What sets us aside is our unique understanding that many people who are on the streets want a better life. We don't have any bias towards those who are less fortunate which can help those who go through our program to feel comfortable and welcome. We also go above and beyond by not only emphasizing education but providing knowledge on everyday necessary knowledge.

I feel that all of these pieces fit together extremely well. The combination of emotional attachment and passion as well as the educational knowledge we are able to provide sets us up for success. One thing that could be a weak link is financing the education needed for students to complete their trades.

The feedback from my last napkin was only one comment and it was telling me that my post was good. There wasn't much constructive criticism so I had to take matters into my own hands. I looked at my work from the last napkin assignment while taking into consideration all of the knowledge and work I had gone through after that in order to create a more refined napkin this time.

Note: I drew a picture for this but it couldn't upload onto this document. I will try to make a new post with just the picture.

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