Friday, March 13, 2020

What's your secret sauce?

How I see myself:  

I see myself as hardworking, clean, loving, and kind. I am an extrovert who loves meeting new people and getting to know them. I love my family and spending time with them. I like to think that I'm smart and well rounded. I got my certified nursing assistant (CNA) license while taking courses at the University of Florida. I got my associate's degree at the same time as I graduated high school. I have worked hard for what I've gotten and continue to work hard. I love animals and helping people as well.

Interviews: "What makes me different? What skills and ethics set me apart?"

Ricky (My Boyfriend of 4 Years)

  • Ricky: "What do you mean by different?"

  • Me: "Like unique, what makes me unique?"

  • Ricky: "You have a big heart, you care more than you should sometimes. Umm... you work harder than most people, you're always willing to help the people you care about. You're smart and work hard for things that you want. You have strong ethics and care deeply about a lot of things. I don't know, these are things that set you apart from other people. I mostly think about how much you care and work for the things you care about." 

Key Takeaway: This made me feel good. Living with my boyfriend of 4 years, it can be difficult juggling things like cleaning the apartment, taking care of our animals, going to school, and working. It's nice to be told how appreciated I am.

Faith (My Mom)

  • Faith: "Oh okay, well, you are very nurturing and caring for those you love. You are kind and passionate about animals, you help your sister with Kylie and the twins (my nieces) and are there no matter what time it is- if people need you, you're there. You have a kind heart and are so smart. You got into a great university with your smarts and that's due to your work ethic- which I'd like to think you got from me- you work so hard. One thing you should work on baby is how anxious and stressed you make yourself from putting so many things on your plate and adding commitments in your life. I think you're doing great and I'm so proud of you"

Key Takeaway: My mom is so extra sometimes but she is always there to support me when I need her the most. I have to agree with her when it comes to friends and family I am always there when they need because I have a great foundation and support group behind me.

Stacy (My sister)

  • Stacy: "I don't know if anyone else said this but the first thing that comes to mind when I think of your strengths is your charm and communication skills. You're great in interviews, you are great at making connections and networking and I think that can take you far in life. You're well rounded and are smart both in school and with everyday life (adulting). You're mature, which is probably because of us (she's referring to my much older siblings), but it's a great trait. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be great. 

Key Takeaway: My older siblings are everything to me. They have been the ones that have mentored me, taken care of me, and guided me to be better every day. They are amazing individuals with one being in PA school and one being the head of a Montessori school in Jupiter. Hearing this from Stacy really felt good since she's really successful.

Alyssa (My other sister)

  • Alyssa: "You are so relatable with everything you do, you're humble. No matter how successful or unsuccessful you are with something you stay the same. You truly believe that you are equals with everyone when, to me, you shine so bright. Watching you grow up has been so cool because I have seen your work ethic just grow and grow since you were a baby when I thought there could be no kid who's more hardworking than you. You're so loving with my and our family and are always there when we need you the most. You have been the best Aunt I could've wanted for my three girls and I am truly lucky to have you in my life. 

Key Takeaway: Alyssa is always very sappy but I truly do think I'm just me. No better or worse than anyone else. I like being down to earth and myself.

Kate (My best friend)

  • "You're so nice to everyone you meet, even if people are mean to you, you remain kind. You are very responsible compared to everyone in our friend group and most people our age. You are very concerned with succeeding and having a good life with a family when most people haven't even thought about that. You're funny and get along with people very well. You're just awesome!" 
Key Takeaway: What she said is true. I try to remain kind even when people aren't kind to me. I also think about my future often. 

Final Thoughts:

Overall, I agree with what people said about me as they were all quite similar. I feel that I am kind, I care deeply for those that I love, I am passionate about success and my future, and I love to help people as well as animals. 


  1. Doing these interviews were really nice to see how people think of yourself. It seems that everyone thinks that you are kind and are good with communicating with people. This is very important traits to have, regardless of what business you create or field you are in, because it would make it a lot easier selling your idea as a product and to investors.

  2. It was really nice to see what people said about you and how a lot it actually overlapped with what you said about yourself. I think being a kind, loving person will help you in life and not just in your business. I think these are the qualities that will make people trust you and be loyal to your product.
