Friday, April 10, 2020

Venture's Unfair Advantage

List of Advantages:

2. Passion
3. Collaborative Benefits
4. Societal Welfare
5. Community Awareness
6. Changing lives
7. Resources
8. Educational skills
9. Economically savvy
10. Societal Contribution

1. Uniqueness
Valuable: Creating a unique business venture will make it hard to compete with. Having originality is key in businesses like these.
Rare: From all of my research, I have not found a program quite like this in the state of Florida. With this, the uniqueness and originality of this program are rare!
Imitable: Being unique and the first of its kind will make this program stand out to those who want to join, invest, or participate.
Non-substitutional: It would be extremely hard to copy this idea due to the one of a kind aspect that comes from creating new ideas and innovating solutions to problems that are rarely solved.

2. Passion
Valuable: Passion is extremely valuable in any business venture. When a business has a passion behind it there is more motivation held by the entrepreneur to make it succeed.
Rare: Personally, I feel that passion is quite rare in business ventures. As learned in this class, the motivator for many businesses is solutions to problems but mostly financial gain.
Imitable: Passion is so good for a business venture due to the motivation and fires it sparks in the entrepreneur.
Non-substitutional: If there is a true passion for something, people would have been doing such programs. I feel that seeing my idea be the first of its kind in Florida shows that my passion for the subject is either unshared or shared but not being ventured.

3. Collaborative Benefits
Valuable: It's not the mere fact that our service is collaborative that makes it so special. It's that we are collaborating with Alachua County's small businesses and local education centers to mutually benefit our company as well as theirs.
Rare: We are working with small local businesses to help our local economy rather than relying on large scale investors and programs to educate our students.
Imitable: This is a great asset to have because it allows for the bettering of our community and benefits many people at the same time.
Non-Substitutional: I think that this is non-substitutional due to the fact that we are staying local. We are not depending on outside manufacturers, investors, or teachers. We are keeping things local in order to holistically benefit the community.

4. Societal Welfare
Valuable: Aiding in the welfare of our society has many benefits. With things like the economy, welfare of the homeless, and helping people find the resources they need, we are helping society one county at a time.
Rare: It's rare for a business or organization to have a true societal benefit. Many business ventures I see are about products and simple services. Our business will be taking people off of the street and changing lives.
Imitable: Helping society in the ways we plan on is extremely important for the purpose of our program. This can go hand in hand with passion. It helps us drive our organization into success.
Non-Substitutional: As said above, many business ventures are low scale and fix simple problems. This business is different in the way that it is changing lives.

5. Community Awareness
Valuable: Making the community aware of the homeless problem could help gather supporters that could keep our business alive and help with the treatment of our students.
Rare: Many businesses focus on materialistic and "first-world" problems that are low scale. Bringing a community together and spreading awareness could be the difference between our student's success and failure.
Imitable: Focusing on community and mutually beneficial factors is something that many businesses don't have.
Non-Substitutional: This can go back to passion. Being passionate about community and society can help set our businesses apart from others by putting into perspective the problem at hand.

6. Changing Lives
Valuable: Being able to drastically change lives is an amazing thing, a concept/ ability that not many other low scale business ventures have.
Rare: It is very rare to find a local business that has the ability and willingness to be responsible for saving lives.
Imitable: It is extremely selfless, that's why many people wouldn't want to do it.
Non-Substitutional: The resources and the complexity of dealing with such tasks are what set us apart. Many others would not have the motivation to get through the tough times and have the responsibility to take care of these people.

7. Resources
Valuable: Having valuable resources and partners to work with can prove to be very valuable assets to your company. With the aid of local businesses and Those specializing in real estate, we will be able to provide jobs and housing to the students that successfully complete our program.
Rare: It's rare to find an opportunity that can merge the benefit of local businesses, finding those in need necessities like housing, and lowering the local unemployment rate.
Imitable: This asset is so valuable because it takes many different aspects of the community and merges them.
Non-Substitutional: Our resources and how we plan to go about them are extremely unique to us.

8. Educational Skills
Valuable: Being able to educate those who have not been able to be educated before on many subjects is extremely rewarding
Rare: While the concept of education is not rare, the way we are talking about education is. Teaching those how to time manage, fight urges to relapse on drugs, and how to maintain a job are skills that not many organizations possess altogether. The way we are merging these skills in order to provide a thorough curriculum is what sets us aside.
Imitable: This asset is great because we are helping to better society.
Non-Substitutional: This curriculum will be stemmed from originality. It is solely based and joined through a unique curriculum brought by our program.

9. Economically Savvy
Valuable: Working to lower unemployment rates and help the local economy is what our secondary motivator is for our business.
Rare: Making a profit, helping members of the community, and helping the local economy is extremely rare for a business venture.
Imitable: Businesses are mostly in their business for profitable gain. We are in it for the welfare of the community
Non-Substitutional: Many people would not put themselves in a position to potentially not make the fullest profit they could. We are more in it for personal and community satisfaction.

10. Societal Contribution:
Valuable: It's extremely valuable to represent the community and do good for the community in your efforts to help the homeless population
Rare: Often times business ventures are very low scale and simple solutions to everyday problems. We are set aside by taking a big leap toward helping a large, global problem one county at a time.
Imitable: The benefit of society is not something you see often in a local business. Sure they may be good for the economy but we focus on society- the people. We want what's best for them which is something I personally don 't see often.
Non-Substitutional: Once a program like this is made it will be hard to compete in close proximity.

I feel that our most valuable asset is the collaborative benefits we provide to both the homeless community members and local businesses. Bringing the benefit of collaborating and being able to benefit from and for local businesses is what will set our program aside for things like sponsors and participants.

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